Sunday, April 18, 2010

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing!

It is time to regain the vision and get back on track with what God has called us to do.
I'm going to be a soulwinner, and let the others do the training. I am not going to focus so much on their growth, because I get too discouraged with that! It is like tring to force a horse to drink water when he isn't thristy. God has to create the thrist and only He can satisfy that thrist!
God help me to get back in the game!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Turn the Negative into Positive...LOL

When I was in college, there was this little songs we would sing in dorm Devos:
If someone comes up to you and whispers, "Have you heard?"
Turn the negative into positive.
If someone shuld try to speak a hasty, unkind word,
Turn the negative into positive.
Negative - Positive which wll it be?
Negative - Positive the choice is your you see.
Others may not understand but happy you will be.
Turn the negative into positive!

Cute little song that I have remembered all these years. I haven't practiced it as much as I should have and somedays there is just an overload of negative coming at me!

Well, I went out soulwinning this morning/afternoon. Beth and I stopped at the Goodwill to shop a little. I got a few capris for our trip to Denny's graduation next month. It is already in the 90's there and we are planning a two week vacation.
I got home and Beth had to leave for work, takes away one other vehicle, unless I take her to work which means the $10 I put in the gas tank will be gone by tomorrow and we won't have enough for church and back.
I really wanted to go to the library this afternoon, but Dennis is using his car for things he wants to get done before Sunday.
So, I decide to go ahead and do laundry rather than stew about the car situation. My laundry day isn't until Tuesday, but hey, nobody else is usning the washer right now anyway!! So I will get a jump on the game! Ha!! Yeah right! I turn the washer on, reach over for the detergent and see that Beth used the last of it this morning! Grrrrrrrr
It is starting to feel like little road demons are blocking my mental path to turning negative circumstances into positive!
I call hubby and he isn't interested in my problems,(another negative). So I go to my room and decide to write this in my blog. Zeke (our dog) comes in and has that longing look for a walk in his eyes.....hmmmmmm. Maybe this is a bridge to that road to positive thinking! Hey Zeke, wanna go for a walk?

Not sure I'm a good parent....

To try to alleviate some of the household chores and make life a little more workable around here. I have established that everyone does their won laundry. I felt that would be fair for all those involved and less stressful for me. I then assigned everyone days they can do their laundry. I already know from experience that someone is going to drop the ball or drag their laundry out into the next day and cause a backup in the process. I just don't know for sure who it will be or when.
Well, this week the culpret made themselves known.
I won't mention any names, but they drug out the chore two days.
This person also wanted to go somewhere and participate in a really nice activity which would be a great opportunity. I had no problem with the activity and was glad for their being able to participate.BUT....I was left with a dilema. I got up to have my Bible time and that is when the full realization of the situation came to me. This chore was still sitting there undone and now I had to decide what should be done about it.
1.Shrug my should and let it go.
2.Get her out of bed and make her take care of her responsibilities like she is supposed to.
3. I decided to pray and of course I knew I should follow through with #2.

As expected, she wasn't happy or grateful for my "help". Well, that lack of gratefulness, maybe me less motivated to take her to her activity. so I decided it wasn't all that necessary as her undeerstanding that all our actions have consequenses.
Then self doubt set in and I knew she would really be ticked about not being able to I really want to deal with this and attitude on top of this! NO!!! I really wanted to cave and just tell her she better hurry up and get her chores done or she couldn't go.
I took my shower and proceeded to get ready for the day, all the while second guessing my decision. I so wanted Jesus to walk into the room and take matters into His own very capable hands!
As I looked in the mirror and was arguing this with myself. Self said, "well, Sue, in all fairness, you didn't make it clear to her what the consequenses would be if she didn't get the chore done on her day." At that point I thought I should go and tell her to get ready, I would take her to her activity, and apologize for being so hard. Then the Lord said (from within my heart) NO! This is an important lesson to learn. We don't always understand or no all the consequenses to our decisions when we make them. Right or wrong, we have to learn the accept consequenses as they are. It teaches us to weigh the importance of our decisions. There is no SMALL decision. And we don't always get the chance to know up front how it is going to play out.
I think of my myself, too. As a parent, wife and friend.
God please help me to fully lean on you for the help I need in making the choices that would best honor you and help others.
I don't know how this is going to play out in my daughters life, but I pray God uses it in her heart as He has in mine, and I pray she learns to love the Lord (and me) a little more because of it.