Saturday, April 10, 2010

Turn the Negative into Positive...LOL

When I was in college, there was this little songs we would sing in dorm Devos:
If someone comes up to you and whispers, "Have you heard?"
Turn the negative into positive.
If someone shuld try to speak a hasty, unkind word,
Turn the negative into positive.
Negative - Positive which wll it be?
Negative - Positive the choice is your you see.
Others may not understand but happy you will be.
Turn the negative into positive!

Cute little song that I have remembered all these years. I haven't practiced it as much as I should have and somedays there is just an overload of negative coming at me!

Well, I went out soulwinning this morning/afternoon. Beth and I stopped at the Goodwill to shop a little. I got a few capris for our trip to Denny's graduation next month. It is already in the 90's there and we are planning a two week vacation.
I got home and Beth had to leave for work, takes away one other vehicle, unless I take her to work which means the $10 I put in the gas tank will be gone by tomorrow and we won't have enough for church and back.
I really wanted to go to the library this afternoon, but Dennis is using his car for things he wants to get done before Sunday.
So, I decide to go ahead and do laundry rather than stew about the car situation. My laundry day isn't until Tuesday, but hey, nobody else is usning the washer right now anyway!! So I will get a jump on the game! Ha!! Yeah right! I turn the washer on, reach over for the detergent and see that Beth used the last of it this morning! Grrrrrrrr
It is starting to feel like little road demons are blocking my mental path to turning negative circumstances into positive!
I call hubby and he isn't interested in my problems,(another negative). So I go to my room and decide to write this in my blog. Zeke (our dog) comes in and has that longing look for a walk in his eyes.....hmmmmmm. Maybe this is a bridge to that road to positive thinking! Hey Zeke, wanna go for a walk?

1 comment:

Suzanne White said...

Oh, by the way, hubby actually stopped by the store and bought laundry detergent on the way home! That was very nice of him.